Sunday, July 12, 2009

A tribute to MJ: Win a CD

MJ is no more. We are missing the king of pop a lot. Many mysterious things have taken place. A shadow being seen and claims that the dead body was hidden somewhere else. What do you think about these? Anything that you would like to say to MJ? Leave a comment here and win a CD of MJ ( The same that is available at )

Rules :
You must have been a follower of this blog which you can do by clicking on the gadget to your right

You should have been subscribed to e mail updates. If you haven't done it do it by clicking here

Contest duration: July 12 2009 to August 10 th 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top three things for a better world : Win 20$ cash

What do you think are the top three things to be done to make the world a better place to live in? Leave your reponse as a comment and stand a chance to win a 20$ cash prize.

Other best offers : Win an ipod in one minute
Rules :
You must have been a follower of this blog which you can do by clicking on the gadget to your right
You should have been subscribed to e mail updates. If you haven't done it do it by clicking here

Duration : June 28 th to July 27 th

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Win an ipod

It's simple. All that you need to do is complete three steps
Step 1 : Sign up to e mail updates of this site by clicking here
Step 2 : Be a follower of this blog by clicking the follow button on the gadget to the right
Dtep 3 : leave a comment saying that you have completed the above steps

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A nuclear war on the way : Win a web cam

The present developments suggest that a nuclear war is on its way. Countries are arming themselves to their teeth. At any time the earth may be shattered into pieces. What do you think in this regard? What can we do to avert it? Voice your view in a paragraph or a one line sentence. The best opinion wins a web cam.
Contest duration: June 14, 2009 to July 20, 2009
Rules : Click here

About this blog

This is a blog where you can earn rewards by voicing your views ( be it a big paragraph or a small one line response ) From time to time particular topics are listed on which you have to voice your views. The best response wins a prize.
Rules :
1. You must be a follower of this site and subscribe to the e mail updates of this blog to be eliogible to participate
[ To follow click the follow button on your left. To subscribe to feedburner e mail updates click here]
2. We have a right to give cash as an alternative to prizes if shipping becomes uneconomical.