Sunday, July 12, 2009

A tribute to MJ: Win a CD

MJ is no more. We are missing the king of pop a lot. Many mysterious things have taken place. A shadow being seen and claims that the dead body was hidden somewhere else. What do you think about these? Anything that you would like to say to MJ? Leave a comment here and win a CD of MJ ( The same that is available at )

Rules :
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Contest duration: July 12 2009 to August 10 th 2009



  2. Michael was a big part of my growing up, I send my respects to his children, family and friends. I pray they open up Neverland for all his fans to see. I can understand why he stopped living there but it was his dream come true. Shame on those money-hungry jerks!!!!!!!!
    Michael will live on in my heart forever and ever!!!!!

  3. May Michael Jackson rest in peace!

  4. God Bless You Michael, I am very sad when i knew you has been gone. But i always pray for you in the Lord of Yesus Christ, and just rest in peace and always be there. You are always the KING OF POP and you should rest beside KING OF KING YESUS CHRIST, AMIEN... God always with you ...

  5. Laura kayleigh TetleyJuly 15, 2009 at 11:23 AM

    Dear Michael,

    Michael Jackson are my hero. I will always love you. Thank you for being so kind a generous. The world will remember you for your amazing talents and caring nature. God bless your family and your 3 children, i can't imagine how distraught they are. I hope now you can finally rest in peace.

    I am 16 and have been a fan forever... you are so amazing words cant describe it and when i watch your videos you take my breath away. You had so much talent and us fans were so lucky to have been able to watch the worlds greatest entertainer grow before our eyes,

    You once said “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” You entered this world loved and you left this world loved by millions worldwide. Your family, children and fans will always remember you and keep your memories alive through your music.

    Together we will continue to heal the world and make this a better place for our children and our children’s children ... I promise!

    You may not be here with us on earth but you’re up there in heaven somewhere and i will see you someday. <3

    R.I.P - Michael Jackson - I will always love you, never forget you, you will always be in my heart <3

    You rocked my world!

    I idolize you.
    I worship you.
    I admire you.

    I love you.
    Billions of love from Laura Kayleigh

  6. mj was a indigo child that's why he was misunderstood.

  7. will never forget you. you were the greatest.

  8. rest in peace mj, we've never forget you

  9. I've always been a Michael Jackson fan...i'm only 17yrs old but as a child my house was full of hardcore MJ fans my mother had the hugest crush and my aunts and they'd always play his music while cleaning and i'd always sing along and try and mimic his dances. Since, i could basically understand the concepts of music ,and what it was Michael was the type of music interest i had and still have...his voice is so energetic but soothing as well...and he was...and is a healer...and leader... MJ is truly th GREATEST dancer and musician and teacher and Inspiration to me and others. I wasn't just a music fan all my life but he truly inspired me...he was such a warm loving person, generous, innocent, sharing and caring person. He helped so many sick, poor, and unfortunate...One of my main goals in life was to live like him...and meet him one day =[ and to become such a generous and caring soul and to inspire others like he has ... His music and dance full of life, expression and his lyrics held such a warm message and were easy to groove to.He has inspired me to want to become a future entertainer and i defiantely want to follow his influences. You will definately see me helping keep his influence and name alive!! Rest in Peace Michael...i will deeply miss you, you were the hope of the World. He was my best memory!!! everything he did till his last day...he was and is my idol!!

  10. Michael will forever have an impact on the world, no matter where you live or what language you speak, he was universal in music and in the helping of others! Michael Jacskson you will be forever missed and adored!

  11. hay mj you really are the king of pop forever!rip

  12. i would deffinetlly not forget the king of pop. michael inspired millions of people not give up because he didnt. he had hit after hit .from rock with you to thriller. michael jackson is and wiil always be the KING of POP and will never be forgoten. he is now in a bettter place teaching angels how to do the moonwalk. ps: remember we are not alone

  13. You are not alone with my loneliness

  14. I am subscribed and following.

    To Michael Jackson I would say: Michael, you were truly the greatest performer that ever lived and ever will be. You were such an inspiration for many, including me, because while no one is perfect, you were pretty close. I admired your drive and your dedication to strive for the best. You put in so much effort to give a good performance and I am truly grateful that there was someone as beautiful and caring as you in my lifetime. Your love for children was misunderstood but I knew and know you were innocent. God bless your gentle soul and I pray that you are understood and accepted for your self in heaven. RIP.

  15. michael jackson you will be missed by all
    you was taken to soon.. but the lord was ready for you.. are it would not happen . now you will rest in pease for ever and your kids will miss you but god will look out for them ...

  16. MJ was the best! Nobody will forget him !

  17. you are gone.but you was and still the greatest.

  18. the shadow everyone saw was just that a shadow of someone outside walking around the grounds lol..

  19. i love you mike. you were the best musician that ever lived.

    you will always be remembered as THE KING OF POP. i can truly look up to you. your one of the greatest performers that ever lived!

  21. Dear Michael,

    Michael Jackson are my hero. I will always love you. Thank you for being so kind a generous. The world will remember you for your amazing talents and caring nature. God bless your family and your 3 children, i can't imagine how distraught they are. I hope now you can finally rest in peace.

    I am 16 and have been a fan forever... you are so amazing words cant describe it and when i watch your videos you take my breath away. You had so much talent and us fans were so lucky to have been able to watch the worlds greatest entertainer grow before our eyes,

    You once said “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” You entered this world loved and you left this world loved by millions worldwide. Your family, children and fans will always remember you and keep your memories alive through your music.

    Together we will continue to heal the world and make this a better place for our children and our children’s children ... I promise!

    You may not be here with us on earth but you’re up there in heaven somewhere and i will see you someday. <3

    R.I.P - Michael Jackson - I will always love you, never forget you, you will always be in my heart <3

    You rocked my world!

    I idolize you.
    I worship you.
    I admire you.

    I love you.
    Billions of love from Lakshya Sharma

  22. I love you a lot micheal you the most popular person on the planet we will all miss you i love you micheal jackson!

  23. I loved micheal he went through 3 generations in my family

  24. I feel whether he was in his casket or not is not important, what is important is that he was a outstanding artist and he will always be the king of pop forever.

  25. omg i cant belive mj died im only 12 but i no everything about him and 2day it is his his b day on the 29th of augest xxxtiffxxxxx ps mj boss 4eva luv u xxxx
    sad that u died rip mj :-(

  26. Dear Michael I hope you are enjoying paradise
    I hope I get to see you someday remember
    you live in my heart forever.

