Sunday, June 14, 2009

A nuclear war on the way : Win a web cam

The present developments suggest that a nuclear war is on its way. Countries are arming themselves to their teeth. At any time the earth may be shattered into pieces. What do you think in this regard? What can we do to avert it? Voice your view in a paragraph or a one line sentence. The best opinion wins a web cam.
Contest duration: June 14, 2009 to July 20, 2009
Rules : Click here


  1. What we need to do is bring peace to the other countries. We need to be fair to all countries and forget about past experiences. This is the only way we can stop a nuclear war from happening. The only other option is to get extra terrestrial help, and obviously we don't want to get into that. As i said before, it isn't hard to stop nuclear war...but our government is too dumb to even try. We can't keep holding grudges against other countries or we are all going to die.

  2. It will happen sooner than you think, if we don't disarm countrys like north korea. thanks

  3. I have started having nightmares again, just like when I was a child. I don't want my children to feel that fear. I don't know if diplomacy will work for the North Korea situation. I just hope that we don't try until its too late. Sooner or later we have to be prepared to use force, but it has it's risks too. There is no easy answer. How do you deal with crazy people? Don't they remember Hiroshima????

  4. Judgement day is coming!!!
    but its not the machines but we, ourselves who will destroy the earth.

    if and only if we all speak up and make the governments act,then we can avert a nuclear disaster.

  5. If the simple sight that the picture conveys doesn't bring enough awareness to the coming days, bless our souls.

  6. We can do absolutly nothing about this mater, they will keep arming their selves regardless of the world politics. So if we know that the armageddon is to come, lets enjoy life to that second.

  7. Civilization as we know it definately ending. The signs are all around us - Rhode Island seeking to secede from the Union, South Korea's nuclear testing, the war in the Middle East. On top of that, there are the economical and enironmental worries that are causing people to lose faith in their Governments. The world we know is ending, whether it be by nuclear war, global warming, plague, or alien invasion; and it's too late for us to stop it. All we can do now is go along the ride and hope it doesn't come about too quickly; those already stressing are just making it worse for the rest of us.

  8. We must destroy all of the nuclear weapons, stated with U.S first, than after that followed by other countries, come on Presidents & kings all over the countries save our earth & save our children !!! United Nation, please don't just stand still about this ####

  9. Blow us all up let God sort it out!

  10. if in any case this may happen the 3rd world countries will suffer more that includes philippines where i reside i think the best way for us to do is vote for the right people that will govern each countries,because mainly the decision that will be made is up to them.

  11. We should make agreements of peace with all other countries. Giveeachother gifts, stop the war. I hope I get that webcam!

  12. war's patience is thin
    but superordinate goals
    will unite countries



  14. America should leave all of the other countries alone like we used to. We should stop acting like we're the world police. We'd obviously piss less people off if we would actually take care of what needs to be taken care of in our own country instead of worring about other countries. This is our best chance to avoid an ending such as this.

  15. Plain & simple.

  16. yeah.. STOP FIGHTING
    i'll tell your mom!!

  17. please.... i want for real this one

  18. Fairness? Is not going to work, We're not ganna go to korea or any other countries and be like "yeah lets be fair.. Stop ths crazines"

    It's all about money thisdays and oil factories
    It's Sad really. Just whatever happens, happens
    just arm yourselfs and your families.

  19. People are people, greed, riches, sex, power, just to name a few. Today North Korea, Tommorrow who? It's sad to say we are very intelligent humans and still, we have barbaric instincts. Don't know how to solve this or any types of this behavior. It's nature at it's best! Praying couldn't hurt!

  20. whats the point of fighting your brothers? we are all one in the is world. their is no need for nuclear arms. we need to take all of the arms and destroy them. if a country goes against this, the wolrd will be against them.

  21. Why are we still fighting? everyone and everything has thier own differences, stop fighting and get on with life. if we all just stop worried about fighting maybe we culd help those in need.

  22. I think people should at least try to get along with people from other countries and lend a helping hand....donate,give to others,give to the poor.simple fact is we need to help the helpless and save the ones who can't save themselves.We should stop fighting back and turn the other cheek.Everything that happens is because some people can't help others we need to change ourselves before we save the world.Stop fight,love the people who hate you,Love the people you don't know.Raise money for charity.

  23. Personally, I think that most of the countries that have the ability to arm themselves will because if they do, they will appear weaker. My guess is that It will take quite a lot to get those countries to actually use them, because they know that the country they attack will probably launch a counter attack. It is suicide. The only countries that are even worth watching are the axis of evil. But disregarding them I don't think people should have fallout shelters built into their basement.

    Thank you.

  24. Really, im going to have to agree with the people that say stop fighting. Im not one of those 60's hippies that says if we all smoked weed and grew our hair out there would be more peace to this world, but if this nucular stuff doesn't end soon, we may end up blowing up the world. If nucular power creates electric, thats nice, but do we want to risk putting nucular power everywhere and run the risk of blowing up this God given world? I would say no one would want to think of that, even hitler. Im not by any means saying i like hitler, in fact i, as well as many others in a way hate hitler. Still, i don't think that one of the most evil leaders in time had thoughts to blow up this earth anytime soon. My point is we should not take fate into our own hands.


  25. if the world does shatter people will need to build the own shellters in thier basement or underground. to prevent it the world needs to bring peace with each other,but that may never happen because as long as there is humanity there is WAR.

  26. There will be no nuclear war! Countries are arming only to scare other ones. For example South Corea tryed to make nuclear bomb to scare Americans and north Corea. Every president of every country knows that if they drop a nuclear bomb on some other country, that one or some of their allies will drop another nuclear bomb on them. Noone will survive. So no one will ever drop the bomb.
    Wars are not started because of ideals but because of economy, resources etc. Because of that, it is not in anyone's interest "total destruction" of someone else!
    Be sure that there will be no NUCLEAR WAR!

  27. life even life beyond life itself. Peace is inside our self. make it a bright future with peace in our life. Nuclear war is not the first thing first to be think about. To born a child with peace inside their life is the solution of tomorrow. make our life better and useful will brings great future. So are already done it yet?

  28. I think that there is no foolproof way to prevent a nuclear war, however I feel that the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction will prevent any future nuclear wars. I wish that there was more to add to my opinion but i don't think there is anything that can be done other than just hope that there is never a war with "nuke-ular weapons" (george w.)

  29. sorry I cant find anything in wikipedia..

    anyway i lost chance of winning a webcam!
